4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2008 7:43 AM by julien1

    Subject/Principal is not associated with (ajax)-request

      Hi all,

      on JBoss Portal 2.6.4 with current jsf bridge, I am not able to perform an ajax4jsf request. The current user will not associated to the request.

      I can see a SimplePrincipal-object in the session-object's attributes, but it will not be used.

      I think the org.jboss.web.tomcat.securitySecurityAssociationValve should do this. I'd debugged the invoke-method and I saw, that for normal requests there was a JBossGenericPrincipal object found. On a ajax4jsf request there is no object found (even, if the session shows the SimplePrincipal).

      Is there a way to get this running? Currently, I don't want to use the SEAM-Authorization, because it's not very near at the j2ee standard.
