0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2008 12:50 PM by josephotoole

    Datatable filtering not reRendering attached Rich datascroll



      I have seen this issue posted a number of time -

      display some data in a table which changes according to some filter criteria the user can enter. after the request the table and datascroller are rerendered correctly (in terms of the number of pages). but if the user was on page 20 and the current filter returns only 12 pages the table is empty as the scroller still points on page 20

      From what I can gather this has been addressed in release 3.2.2. Is there any workaround for earlier releases. I have joined a project(late) where they are using 3.1.6 and are not happy at changing at this stage.

      I have the issue about and wanted to check if there was a workaround for 3.1.6.

      BTW - I have defined a page attribute on the "page" attribute on the datascroller and am resetting this when I want the datascroller to reset but not working