0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2008 9:19 AM by kdv

    rich:dataTable + sorting + scrolling + filter issue


      I have the standard rich:dataTable with rich:datascroller and sorting...
      Also I have custom filter layout for my table and I noticed strange behaviour for the following scenario:

      Apply filter, when sorting is defined for any column and the last page is shown. Filter will decrease number of rows for the table. In this case: empty table will be shown. (it shows the latest page even if we have no data for it). After refreshing it shows the latest page with data for filtered page.

      If sorting is not applied - it works correctly. I did simple sandbox application to check this scenario:
      1. Table rendered from Bean.getRows() array with size 10. Table has datascroller and sorting. Table shows 2 records per page.
      2. 'Filter' button data changes rows array size to 5.

      The issue is reproduced with the following steps:
      1. open page
      2. define sorting for any column
      3. go to the last page (page 5) using datascrolling.
      4. press 'Filter' button.
      expected: to show the page with data.
      defect: shows only table header. navigation panel is disabled (grey). but if we choose any page number it shows the table with data and if will we press 'Filter' again it shows the data too.

      if we will skip the step 2 it works without problem.

      Have you idea how to fix this?

      Thanks in advance.
      Best Regards,
      Dmitry Kudrenko
      ARDAS group (http://www.ardas.dp.ua)