0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 9, 2009 8:29 AM by ssidhanta

    Showing display names of portal pages

      How do I show the display names of portal pages in catalog.jsp? I am unable to access portalNode in this page...the code is as follows...

      String output = new String();
      PortalNode currentNode = request.getPortalNode();
      for (Iterator i = parents.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
      String name = (String)i.next();
      PortalNodeURL nodeURL = (PortalNodeURL)parents.get(name);
      output = "<a href=\"" + nodeURL.toString() + "\">" + name + " &gt; " + output;
      output += parent;

      Here, parents is the hashMap containing portal name as key.
      How do I get the portalNode so that I can use the getDisplayName() method to show display names instead of page names using variable 'output'?