6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 4, 2008 2:48 PM by wolfgangknauf

    MainDeployer MBean methods in JBoss 5


      Hi everybody,

      this post refers to bug http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5643

      I know that the deployment was reworked, but I don't know which impacts this had on the MainDeployer MBean. At least it seems to be quite non-functional

      This is the state of the MainDeployer:
      -operation "listDeployed" and others just return nothing
      -"isDeployed (string)" works for a URL "file:/C:/temp/jboss-5.0.0.Beta4/server/default/deploy/KuchenZutatNM.ear", but not for "vfs:/C:/temp/jboss-5.0.0.Beta4/server/default/deploy/KuchenZutatNM.ear"
      -"undeploy" and others don't work for any of the above URLs, both result in a console output "21:11:45,890 WARN [MainDeployer] undeploy 'file:/C:/temp/jboss-5.0.0.Beta4/server/default/deploy/KuchenZutatNM.ear' : package not deployed"

      I created a small plugin for Eclipse WTP which tries to undeploy a module and waits for successful deployment of new modules, and this plugin does not work at all with JBoss 5. Probably I need to change it to use the new deployers, but I didn't find a hint to them.

      You can find it here: http://www.informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de/~knauf/public/
      It is no important code, just some playing around and trying to improve the eclipse built in file based deployer. But as the main deployer is still present, it would make sense to make it working again or remove it completely.

      I call those methods:
      For undeployment (before deployed file is deleted by eclipse/ant):

      For waiting for successful deployment after the file was copied by eclipse/ant:
      -"getDeployment", which does not seem to return anything. "DeploymentInfo" was replaced by some other class I think?
      -"listIncompletelyDeployed" (always empty)

      Hope someone can help.


      Wolfgang Knauf