New use cases: support pending changes with commit/abandon
ccrouch Feb 25, 2005 3:13 PMCurrently (in Phase 1.0) all changes made through the Admin Console are applied immediately to the JBoss instance being administered. This may not always be the desired behavior and the capability is being added to make a number of changes through the Admin Console and then commit or abandon them at one time.
Please see for details of this enhancement.
The latest use cases can be found in cvs, under jboss-admin-console/docs or attached to the JIRA issue above. They are also copied here for convenience:
USE CASE 1: View a component
Basic Description
An administrator uses the system to view information on a component, e.g. list of DataSources, one particular DataSource.
Display information on a particular component.
Basic flow of events
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view information on a particular component for which they do not having any pending changes.
2. The system displays the information which reflects the current state of the system.
3. The use case ends.
Alternate Flows
A1.1: View an updated component
At step 1) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view information on a particular component for which they have made pending changes.
2. The system displays the information which is includes the pending changes rather than just the current state of the system.
3. The use case ends.
A1.2: List components after a create
At step 1) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view information on a set of components, which includes one they have just added through the Admin Console but has not yet been created in the JBoss server.
2. The system displays a list of information on the components, including the component pending creation in the actual JBoss server.
3. The use case ends.
A1.3: List components after a delete
At step 1) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view information on a set of components, which includes one they have just deleted through the Admin Console but has not yet been removed from the JBoss server.
2. The system displays a list of information on the components, not including the component pending deletion from the actual JBoss server.
3. The use case ends.
USE CASE 2: Committing changes
Basic Description
An administrator uses the system to carry out actions (e.g. update, create, or remove a DataSource) and then attempts to have those actions applied to the JBoss server.
A set of administration actions are successfully completed.
Basic flow of events
1. The user carries out a series of administration actions in the Admin Console, e.g. update a DataSource, create a DataSource.
2. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view the pending changes that they have made through the Admin Console.
3. The system displays information on the pending changes the user has made.
4. The user indicates that the changes should be committed.
5. The system takes the pending changes the user has made and applies them.
6. The system indicates to the user that the changes were successfully made.
7. The use case ends.
Alternate Flows
A2.1: Abandon changes
After step 3) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates that the changes should not be applied and should be abandoned.
2. The system clears the list of pending changes and does not apply them.
3. The system indicates to the user that the changes were successfully abandonned.
4. The use case ends.
A2.2: On commit, some changes fail to be applied
After step 5) in the Basic Flow:
1. For each change that was attempted the system indicates to the user whether or not it was successfully applied.
2. The use case ends.
A2.3: Resume administration
After step 3) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates that they wish to return to other administration activities without applying or abandoning the pending changes.
2. The system displays the information the user was viewing prior to viewing the pending changes.
3. The use case ends.