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1. Re: New layout
aveitas Sep 13, 2005 1:34 PM (in response to sebersole)Hi Steve,
Is the goal then to have all modules port to this new layout? Right now the web services module uses the TableTag library for much of its layout etc.
Looking for some general direction here, should I start porting to this new scheme?
Al -
2. Re: New layout
ccrouch Sep 14, 2005 9:40 PM (in response to sebersole)"aveitas" wrote:
Is the goal then to have all modules port to this new layout? Right now the web services module uses the TableTag library for much of its layout etc.
Yes the goal is to have all modules fit into this new layout. It is my understanding however that the change Steve made should not overly impact the individual modules. It was really aimed at providing a more "portal-like" framework for the modules to be rendered into. One thing still left on Steve's plate is to bring back the "nice", :-), looking tabs that were available in each portlet.
With respect to using TableTag and more generally the displaytag.jar, I was hoping that since they seem to rely heavily on CSS for their presentation that it should be possible, via tweaking the stylesheets, to come up with a look and feel for the WebServices module which matches the very simplified look of the other portlets. Do you think that this is feasible? At some stage I would like to make sure all modules are using common CSS classes so that we can hopefully get towards the more sophisticated look and feel achievable with displaytags.
In the future I could certainly imagine some of the other modules converting to using DisplayTags for rendering, but I want them to be able to do that on a case by case basis, rather than updating them all at once.