1. Re: Admin-console and JMS configuration, Deployments
peterj Jun 19, 2006 2:49 PM (in response to mclaugs)The current support for JMS administration in the admin console is for JBossMQ, not for the newer JBoss Messaging. As far as I know, JBossMQ supports only a single Destination Manager (mbean name jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager). (Charles, would you have any more insight into this?) I am not sure if this is also the case for JBoss Messaging, perhaps you could ask on the messaging forum (not sure if Tim or Ovidiu read this forum).
Thank you for letting us know that you would be interested in management of deployments, this helps us with prioritization of future features. -
2. Re: Admin-console and JMS configuration, Deployments
mclaugs Jun 19, 2006 3:17 PM (in response to mclaugs)In addition to being interested in management of deployments, I am also interested in working on this project. I have been interested in this since I was working on the JSR77 implementation. I have since lost access to the CVS repository, so I will have to prove myself again ;)
Also is there any additional information as to the future plans to the admin-console including the suggested features.
I will also post the questions about the JMS configuration to both the JBoss MQ and also the JBoss Messaging forum, so I can get a better understanding as to the limitation of the current and future implementations.