1. Re: JBOSS Industry standards , percentage of market usage an
dimitris Sep 4, 2008 3:30 AM (in response to prasad_global)You can find a lot of information at www.jboss.com.
But it looks to me you better talk with someone from sales:
https://www.redhat.com/apps/webform.html?event_type=contact_sales&eid=21 -
2. Re: JBOSS Industry standards , percentage of market usage an
prasad_global Sep 4, 2008 4:19 AM (in response to prasad_global)Hi,
could you please provide me correct url or some email ids of sales force. who can give me the exact details..
Thanks and Regards
Prasad.Y -
3. Re: JBOSS Industry standards , percentage of market usage an
adrian.brock Sep 4, 2008 4:50 AM (in response to prasad_global)Dimitris, why are you answering user questions in a dev forum.
This forum is for the development discussions around the JBoss5 admin console,
its not to help somebody that doesn't know how to use a search function.
Prasad, if you want to ask these types of questions (that is ask for help
rather than contribute ideas around changing the software), use the user forums
towards the top of this list where you'll probably find this questions already answered
before anyway. -
4. Re: JBOSS Industry standards , percentage of market usage an
adrian.brock Sep 4, 2008 4:59 AM (in response to prasad_global)Prasad, I've moved all your other threads to the beginneers forum (there were
so many I couldn't be bothered working out which detailed forum they belong in :-)
I've also added a sticky thread to the top of this forum to help users
find forums where they can expect to get answers related to the admin console: