1. Re: Autonomous prototype projects
dsicore Mar 21, 2005 11:42 AM (in response to ovidiu.feodorov)Ovidiu,
We will have a working CVS/SVN repo that you can use for this project at the end of March. We are in the process of installing the production hardware, and we will begin working this week to have a set of CVS/SVN repos installed, hopefully, shortly thereafter.
Also, the concept of JBoss Labs running on our Forge hardware is a very good place for what you want to do. I'll add a JIRA task for your situation to the JBoss Labs project so that we will follow through with you to make sure you have everything you need.
So, Labs on Forge will provide you with:
1. A CVS/SVN repo of your choice with which you can do anything you like, and it will be publicly available with read/write restrictions as you see fit.
2. We will provide you with a build framework which you can modify at will, BUT you should try to stay within its design as that will help you with its eventual integration with JEMS and the rest of the jbossas build.
Sound good? I'll check with you anyway. I would very much like to see the JMS project hosted in Labs. It is an excellent example of what Labs should be.
Sincerest Regards,
Development Manager - JBoss Labs