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1. Re: Navigation definition for projects - propsal
dsicore Mar 29, 2006 9:39 AM (in response to adamw)I think this will be useful someday, esp. if we go to a layout where there is only one project visible at any given time. If there are multiple projects visible, we may get into a four layer deep menu which might not work.
Sacha's proposed layout uses a "one project only" layout. So, I'd say, yes, this should be useful. -
2. Re: Navigation definition for projects - propsal
adamw Mar 29, 2006 9:42 AM (in response to adamw)That's how menus now work - in the trunk version - when a project is visible, it's menu is visible as a "top-level" one.
3. Re: Navigation definition for projects - propsal
dsicore Mar 29, 2006 9:45 AM (in response to adamw)"adamw" wrote:
That's how menus now work - in the trunk version - when a project is visible, it's menu is visible as a "top-level" one.
And.. I'm wondering if someone is going to change their mind sometime soon. ;)