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1. Re: Administration portlets
szimano Apr 21, 2006 5:19 PM (in response to adamw)+1 from me.
I can do the back to normal button... somehow ;)
As adition to it... i think we should consider having window state control buttons... as we don't use some of the portal functionality that could be usefull...
T.. -
2. Re: Administration portlets
adamw Apr 24, 2006 4:43 AM (in response to adamw)"szimano" wrote:
As adition to it... i think we should consider having window state control buttons... as we don't use some of the portal functionality that could be usefull...
Maybe not for all, but I think you can apply theme strategies/decorations/whatever the name is to individual portlets, so that way we could have the window controls only for portlets which really require it (I think the name is decorations, but there's so much different concepts in portal themes that you can get lost :) )