1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 24, 2008 6:56 PM by nbelaevski

    Modal Panel problem


      I need to show a list inside of a modal panel. But list doesn't show up in first opening. After I push a button inside of the modal panel it shows up. What may be the reason of this?

      This is the code for the list located in ModalPanel

      <rich:panel id="planitem" >
      <rich:dataTable id="planitemList" var="di"
      <f:facet name="header">Amount</f:facet>

      this is the code which calls modalpane

      <a4j:commandLink id="addSuperCategory" value="Dağıtım"
      action="#{declarationHome.selectOrderItem}" rerender="categoryForm,planitem,planitemList"
      <f:param name="orderitemId" value="#{oi.id}" />

      list is assigned in selectOrderItem method which is called at the same time with modalpane