1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 10, 2009 8:14 AM by flavia.rainone

    Mixing jboss-aop interceptors with annot., std ones


      Is it not possible to mix jboss-aop.xml defined interceptors, bindings with annotation, standard, based ones?

      I have create an interceptor that implements org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor and I have defined it in the jboss-aop.xml. It works 100%.

      I then went ahead and created a seperate interceptor for my EJB methods using annotation @Interceptors (javax.interceptor.Interceptors) and @AroundInvoke (javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke).

      When I do the above, the @Interceptors, @AroundInvoke don't actually get invoked. However, if I comment out the first interceptor that is defined in my jboss-aop.xml, then my EJB methods interceptor works fine.