1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2009 10:06 PM by pekarna

    method foo is the only one that can be executed??

      Good morning

      I do not understand why the example foo is the only one that can be executed ... if I change the names or parameters eclipse tells me an error!!! ..

      package Essai;
      public class Foo {
       public int fooField;
       public Foo () {
       fooField = 0;

      package Essai;
      public class FooMixin implements FooMixinInt {
       public FooMixin(){}
       public String fooMethod2 (int i) {
       return Integer.toString ( 4- i);

      package Essai;
      public interface FooMixinInt {
       public String fooMethod2 (int i);

      package Essai;
      public class Main {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       Foo foo = new Foo ();
       FooMixinInt fooint = (FooMixinInt) foo;
       String s = foo.fooMethod2(-2);

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
       <introduction class="Essai.Foo">
       <construction>new Essai.FooMixin()</construction>