4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2005 1:07 AM by clebert.suconic

    JVM 1.4.2 support


      It was stated into http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSER-12 that wouldn't be possible to use JBossSerialization into JVM 1.4 because of lacking of hooks.

      I just found a hook, and it is already implemented, so it will be possible to use JBossSerialization into JVM 1.4.2 now.

      This is commited into CVS now.

      Clebert Suconic

        • 1. Re: JVM 1.4.2 support

          Can I use SmartCloning using JBOSS serialization without the need for Final field serialization on JRE 1.3?

          • 2. Re: JVM 1.4.2 support

            For JVM 1.4.2 I'm using Unsafe operations (the only hook tha allows me to change final fields on JVM 1.4)

            I have done it through an interface of JBossSerilization called FieldsManager.

            On JVM 1.3 that class is not available, so it's not possible to use JbossSerialization with JVM 1.3.1 at this point.

            We would need to implement the appropriate FieldsManager to JVM 1.3.

            Clebert Suconic

            • 3. Re: JVM 1.4.2 support

              Hi clebert,

              Thanks for the reply.
              I am not gonna need serialization for final fields.
              i dont have any final fields in any of my serilizable classes and i have to provide a backward compatiblity till JVM 1.3.

              Even this wouldnt give me a green light on
              JBOSS serialization over JVM 1.3. is it?


              • 4. Re: JVM 1.4.2 support


                java.util classes will make usage of final fields.

                If you are not using any collections, we can make a way to at least make simple serialization with JVM 1.3