I'm trying to get JBoss Portal to consume SAP portlets (iViews) though WSRP and after setting up the consumer in the Consumer Configuration WSRP tab, I get the following error:
Problem getting service description for producer SAP_PORTAL2, please see the logs for more information. Cause:org.jboss.ws.core.binding.BindingException: org.jboss.ws.core.jaxrpc.binding.jbossxb.UnmarshalException: Failed to parse source: No namespace URI registered for prefix: prt0
Anyone seen this error before or can help me troubleshoot this? I'm running JBoss Portal 2.7 and SAP Netweaver 7. I also upgraded the JBOSS WS module to 3.0.5 and configured the proxy server, following the article here: http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12633.
Thanks in advance,