1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 17, 2005 7:59 AM by gavin.king

    recursively validating entity properties


      Say I have two entities, Person and Address. Person has an Address. (Address address = person.getAddress()). I want to enter the Person properties and Address properties on different pages within the same conversation.

      When I click "continue" on the Person input page, I want SEAM to validate the Person entity, and if valid, display the Address input page.

      When I click "continue" on the Address input page, I want SEAM to validate the Address entity, and if valid, display a confirmation page...

      I have Person scoped to the SessionContext, and it is injected into my Action component. Person validation is working, but Address validation is not.

      I think I can solve the problem by putting Address in the conversationContext and injecting it to my Action component and annotating it as @In @Valid. Then, before ending the conversation, I set the Address in the context onto the Person and persist the Person.

      But perhaps there is a more elegant way?