1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Jun 5, 2006 8:19 PM by dajevtic Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

        That's what I thought, and that's where I get confused. Is a Portal one web application or is it supposed to be seen as a bunch of different applications / portlets, which in that case can't share Seam components?

        • 16. Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

          Okay - I think I get your question - but let me reiterate in case:

          The current portlet specification knows nothing of the concept of Seam Contexts - so how does a Portlet Context interact with a Seam Context.

          I think the next portlet specification (JSR 286 ? 268 ? I always forget the number) and the forthcoming Web Bean specification should attempt to address the following scenarios:

          1. Multiple portlets and Seam components deployed in a single EAR file

          Are Seam component instances shared across portlet instances and portlet classes when all are deployed in the same application ?

          2. Multiple portlets and seam components deployed in separate EAR files

          Are Seam component instances in EAR A accessible to Portlet classes deployed in EAR B ?

          Test 1:

          The Seam Guess a Number portlet from this thread with a second portlet class that allows the user to 'Set' the secret number.

          Test 2:

          Same as Test 1 - with the second 'Set the Number' portlet deployed in a separate EAR file.

          Assuming the result of these tests show that Seam components can be shared across portlets in JBoss Portal (would be a neat 'feature' - and would make all of the folks like me out here playing with JB Portal and Seam together happy) - there are no guarantees that it will work in Jetspeed or other JSR168 containers since JSR168 has no knowledge of 'Contextual components'.

          I don't know how much of Seam Context is based on HTTPSession, and what layer it 'insinuates' itself in (overtop of JBoss Portal PortletSession, underneath of JBoss Portal PortletSession -- interleaved with PortletSession on some kind of lucky namespace coincidence ? - I suppose I could read the code, but the tests above will likely take me as long since I'm better at writing than reading.)

          I can take some time this weekend to frame up those tests - but I suspect Gavin or others here might already know whether either of these scenarios work.

          Also - just catching up on the thread - did anyone else get the Seam Portlet example I posted to work ? Is it Wiki worthy ? Is there changes I should make before I make a formal contribution to the Wiki ?

          Thanks for reading

          • 17. Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

            Reading Gavin's last post - I suspect the test will be half worthwhile and half not. There is hope for the first test -- all the portlets and Seam components in the Same EAR (component registry belongs to the Web Application) - but it still needs to be confirmed with a test. If it does work, I think it should be part of the Portlet support of the eb Bean specification. :)

            I'm certain the second scenario will not work at all. It won't work with two WARs or two EARs (with good reason - namespace collisions on Component names would suck *ahem* be unfortunate) so why should it work on Portlets ?

            • 18. Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

              Hi. Thank you for the example. One small interesting thing might be to add to the wiki, what if one application wants to use both, jsp and facelets. I tried out a lot of different configurations, but none really got both working.
              I decided to create a view handler, which checks if a facelet or a jsp should be rendered and delegate the render method to the corresponding view handler. If anyone is interested to try, feel free:

              public class JspAndFaceletViewHandler extends FaceletPortletViewHandler {
               private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JspAndFaceletViewHandler.class);
               private SeamViewHandler seamViewHandler = null;
               private static final String FaceletSuffixConfigParameter = "javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX";
               private String faceletSuffix = null;
               * @param arg0
               public JspAndFaceletViewHandler(ViewHandler arg0) {
               seamViewHandler = new SeamViewHandler(arg0);
               /* (non-Javadoc)
               * @see javax.faces.application.ViewHandler#renderView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot)
               public void renderView(FacesContext arg0, UIViewRoot arg1)
               throws IOException, FacesException {
               if ((faceletSuffix != null) && (arg1.getViewId().endsWith(faceletSuffix))) {
               super.renderView(arg0, arg1);
               } else {
               seamViewHandler.renderView(arg0, arg1);
               public UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext arg0, String arg1) {
               if (faceletSuffix == null) {
               faceletSuffix = arg0.getExternalContext().getInitParameter(FaceletSuffixConfigParameter);
               if ((faceletSuffix != null) && (arg1.endsWith(faceletSuffix))) {
               return super.createView(arg0, arg1);
               } else {
               return seamViewHandler.createView(arg0, arg1);

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