2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 20, 2006 2:47 PM by bluetrade

    RMI and Seam


      I would like to offer some RMI in my Seam Application, could I just use the normal way to define RMI Interfaces and then just use the Seam @Factory or @Create in order to initialize and bind the bean?

      Are there any examples about this? Has anyone done anything in that direction and could maybe post the code? Maybe some direction towards a tutorial...

      Any help is greatly appreciated :)



        • 1. Re: RMI and Seam

          Please tell us a little bit more about your requirements.

          • 2. Re: RMI and Seam

            sorry for the reply... was vacation-time :)
            I have some classes that I have exposed vie @Remote. However, I can access them from my development computer because the client is on the same machine as the server ie they both can deal with EJB annotations. Now, I want to move the client to a different machine, where I don't have a full EJB container or the EJB libraries, so how can I access my @Remote classes from a client there? I don't want to supply the client with the real Entities, they contain too much internal information, I mean the client doesn't have the EJB stuff anyways - is there an elegant way of solving this - or do I have to write all classes by hand w/o annotations?
