2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 10, 2006 9:16 AM by urswag

    Synchronizing to DataModels


      I need a mechanism to synchronize the inner dataTable with the outer one.

      <h:dataTable var="assort" value="#{assortments}">
      <h:outputLink value="">
      <h:outputText value="#{assort.description}" />
      <h:dataTable var="category" value="#{assortmentCategories}">
      <h:outputLink value="">
      <h:outputText value="#{category.description}" />
      </h:dataTable> <br />

      The list assortmentCategories is depended from the current element in the assortments list. I need a mechanism to update it.

      Assortment Session Bean code part

      private List<Assortment> assortments;


      public void findAssortments() {


      AssortmentCategory Session Bean code part

      private List<Category> assortmentCategories;


      public void findCategories() {


        • 1. Re: Synchronizing to DataModels

          I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Please give me an example :).

          • 2. Re: Synchronizing to DataModels

            I have two stateless session beans assortmentManager and categoryManager. Category is a detail bean of Assortment (1:N relation).
            In the inner data table the assortmentCategories list must always built up because the reference assortmemt always changes.

            Remember the JSF code

            <h:dataTable var="assort" value="#{assortments}">
            <h:outputLink value="">
            <h:outputText value="#{assort.description}" />
            <h:dataTable var="category" value="#{assortmentCategories}">
            <h:outputLink value="">
            <h:outputText value="#{category.description}" />

            The code of the both session beans. I need a synchronize mechanism for the list assortmentCategories of the inner data table.

            package ...;

            import ....;

            public class AssortmentManagerBean implements Serializable, AssortmentManager {

            private List<Assortment> assortments;

            private EntityManager em;

            public void findAssortments() {

            assortments = em.createQuery("from Assortment a order by a.description")


            public void destroy() {



            The other bean

            package ....;

            import ...;

            public class CategoryManagerBean implements Serializable,
            CategoryManager {

            private List<Category> assortmentCategories;

            private EntityManager em;

            public void findCategories() {

            Query query = em
            .createQuery("from Category c where c.assortment = :assortment");
            query.setParameter("assortment", assortment);
            assortmentCategories = query.getResultList();


            public void destroy() {
