14 Replies Latest reply on Sep 14, 2006 7:01 PM by clockdva

    Unexpected element zipfileset


      i have followed these steps:

      * Download the JEMS installer for JBoss AS 4.0.4 and install it with the EJB 3.0 profile selected. Note: do not install any other version of JBoss, and do not try to install JBoss using the normal JBoss AS installer - Seam requires EJB 3.0 RC8 which is only currently available in the special JEMS Installer!
      * Start JBoss AS with the bin/run.(sh|bat) script.
      * Download Seam and unpack it.
      * Edit build.properties in your Seam directory and configure the path to your JBoss AS installation directory.
      * In the jboss-seam/examples/booking directory, type ant deploy and check for any error messages.

      at this point i see this error :
      ...booking/build.xml:11: Unexpected element "zipfileset"

      this is build.xml:11:
      zipfileset id="example.war.docroot"

      what can i do??

      sorry for my bad english and thanks
