2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 16, 2009 2:53 AM by twistah

    extendedDataTable performance issues


      The extendedDataTable harbours really nice features. I need to use it to hide and show columns on (user) demand. Although this works I am experiencing performance issues when using the extendedDataTable.

      The table in question spans 13 columns and has only 5 rows for now (development). Hiding a column is very slow (takes longer than rendering the initial page) and I am holding my breath in case more rows need to be displayed. I noticed that an AJAX call is made and that the response is rather large. Hiding could take place completely on the client side as far as my javascript knowledge reaches.

      Apart from this performance 'problem' other features suffer the same. One (filtering) is also available in the regular dataTable filtering takes 6 times longer.

      This is just for the AJAX request en response (leaving out client side processing). This was measured with Firebug under Firefox 3.0.4

      I am using latest stable RichFaces 3.2.2 in combination with Seam 2.1.0 and made sure the source data is properly scoped (ie not retrieved from database after subsequent AJAX request).

      I've read the notice that in this release the component is in a preview state, but I am hoping that there is anyone out there who managed to tame this performance beast.

      Any help or tips are welcome!

        • 1. Re: extendedDataTable performance issues

          I am experiencing the same performance issues, it doesnt matter how much rows there are in the datatable. The number of columns is the main problem, they generate way too big responses. When i used a table with 20 columns, the datatable generated 4MB responses :S. I think this issue is critical and should be fixed in 3.3.0 release

          • 2. Re: extendedDataTable performance issues

            I have the same issue but with the total number of rows. A table with about 100 rows will return a ajax response with about 3MB of payload!

            This bearly runs in Firefox (sometimes with javascript warnings) and IE6 hangs/blocks and sometimes crashes altogether.

            The performance of extendedDataTable in 3.3.0.GA is a showstopper.

            1. Is there any way of letting the client do the sorting/filtering without going to the server with an ajax call?

            Someting like this:


            2. Why does the ajax response include a bunch of markup and javascript? Shouldn't the data in the cells be enough?