0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 5, 2007 3:54 AM by pdpantages

    Ajax4jsf a4j:page and f:view


      Hello Seamers, this is hopefully an easy question for the old pros:

      I am using Ajax4jsf Version: 1.0.5 with Seam 1.1.0GA. The Ajax4jsf Developer Guide states the following in the myFaces section:

      "here's one more problem while using MyFaces + Seam. If you use this combination you should use <a4j:page> inside <f:view> (right after it in your code) wrapping another content inside your pages because of some problems in realization of <f:view> in myFaces."

      My question is, is this really needed? I did not see this combo in the booking or other Seam examples shipped with 1.1.0.GA.