1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 28, 2007 11:21 AM by flashguru

    taglib error...


      i am using sem-gen. my facelets page has a -display tag library.

      <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

      i used its compunent table as

      <d:table id="tableId">
      <d:column title="ID">123</d:column>
      <d:column title="Name">abc</d:column>
      <d:column title="Comments">nocomment</d:column>
      but when i run my page instead of displaying a table it shows be just:
      123 abc nocomment

      when i viewed the page sourcecode in html (using view source in browser) i see that facelets just passed it as it was instead converting it into html i.e it had
      <d:table id="tableId">
      <d:column title="ID">123</d:column>
      <d:column title="Name">abc</d:column>
      <d:column title="Comments">nocomment</d:column>
      as its output.... (Note: i then removed all the libs for it and again deployed the application and again same results.

        • 1. Re: taglib error...

          I am not aware of any display-tag porting to JSF. That is, the display-tag is not designed as a JSF UI component. Therefore, I don't think anybody has Facelets custom TagHandlers for display-tag.