0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 25, 2007 7:11 AM by konikoni

    selectOneMenu Question


      I shoud like to implement selection from first selectOneMenu, object of which is supplied contains
      a list, this is spent with the second selectOneMenu.

      The first menu functions and the second not, maybe somebody can help me.

      Here is my code:


      <framework:entity-query name="allHer"
       ejbql="select h from Hersteller h"
       order="h.bezeichnung" >


      <ui:define name="main">
       <s:link value="zurueck" view="/home"/>
       <s:div id="frm">
       <h:selectOneMenu value="#{hersteller}">
       <s:convertEntity />
       <s:selectItems value="#{allHer.resultList}" var="her" label="#{her.bezeichnung}" noSelectionLabel="Bitte waehlen..." />
       <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{fahrzeugact.setModel}" reRender="msg,frm1">
       <s:conversationPropagation type="join" /> </a4j:support>
       <s:div id="frm1">
       <h:selectOneMenu value="#{kmd}" disabled="#{empty hersteller.kfzmodel}">
       <s:convertEntity />
       <s:selectItems value="#{hersteller.kfzmodel}" var="md" label="#{md.bezeichnung}" noSelectionLabel="Bitte waehlen..." />
       <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{fahrzeugact.setModel1}" reRender="msg">
       <s:conversationPropagation type="join" /> </a4j:support>
       <s:div id="msg"><h:messages globalOnly="false"/> </s:div>
      public class Fahrzeug implements FahrzeugInterface {
       private List<Hersteller> hrList;
       private List<Hersteller> hrsList;
       private KfzModel kmd;
       private EntityManager em;
       private Hersteller hersteller;
       public List<Hersteller> getHrsList() {
       return em.createQuery("from Hersteller where akzept = true").getResultList();
       public void setModel(){
       // md
       System.out.println("--------------- " + hersteller.getBezeichnung());
       public void setModel1(){
       // md
       System.out.println("--------------- 1 " + kmd.getBezeichnung());
       public void reset() {}
       public void destroy() {}

      I believe that it is because of different contexts, I must in component.xml defined inquiry to tie, white however not how. And if I define the whole over factories, then over messages on the side one spends: invalid value.

      I have the example ?UI? looked at, there am realized it over HomeEntity. How can I realize this completely on source code level, without HomeEntity?

      Or think I there in wrong direction?