4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2007 6:50 PM by mikedougherty

    Query caching with Seam

      How do I use caching for queries with Seam?
      Do I have to annotate Action which extends EntityQuery?
      Or do I need to extend from HibernateEntityQuery instead and override
      get getCacheable?
      I use JPA Seam/WebLogic/EhCache/Hibernate.
      Can EhCache be used under JPA with hibernate on WebLogic?
      Are there any documents which describe how to cache queries with Seam?

      Thanks a lot

      PS: My action class

      public class EmailList extends EntityQuery {
       private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS = {};
       private Email email = new Email();
       public String getEjbql() {
       return "select email from Email email ";
       public Integer getMaxResults() {
       return 25;
       public Email getEmail() {
       return email ;
       public List<String> getRestrictions() {
       return Arrays.asList(RESTRICTIONS);