5 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2007 1:45 AM by shane.bryzak

    selectDate not popping up on click


      <link href="../css/date.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <h:inputText id="startDateInput" value="#{licensePoolEntity.startDateAsDate}" >
       <s:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
      <s:selectDate for="startDateInput" startYear="2007" endYear="2099" format="MM/dd/yyy">
       <img src="../img/dtpick.gif"/>

      When I click on the calendar image nothing happens. Am I missing something? I'm also using the date.css from the booking example

        • 1. Re: selectDate not popping up on click

          I mit the error too, html code is:

           onclick="__selectDate('j_id51:project_planStartDate', 'j_id51:project_planStartDate');">

          Above, parameter1 and parameter2 are same? Why the function definition in "calendar.htm" is different:
          function __selectDate(calName, viewCtlName) {

          <s:decorate template="/page/tiles/formFieldDecorate.xhtml">
           <ui:define name="label">Plan Start Date</ui:define>
           <h:inputText id="planStartDateInput" value="#{project.planStartDate}">
           <s:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
           <s:selectDate id="planStartDateCal" for="planStartDateInput" startYear="2000" endYear="2010">
           <h:graphicImage url="/img/dtpick.gif" style="margin-left:5px;cursor:pointer" title="Select a date"/>

          • 2. Re: selectDate not popping up on click

            I have the same problem since migrating to Seam 2.0.BETA1.
            Seam date popup doesn't work on IE (but works in FireFox).

            • 3. Re: selectDate not popping up on click

              I'm using firefox and it doesn't work.

              Seam 1.2.1, JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA

              • 4. Re: selectDate not popping up on click


                "mgrouch" wrote:
                I have the same problem since migrating to Seam 2.0.BETA1.
                Seam date popup doesn't work on IE (but works in FireFox).

                've fixed the problem with the calendar not displaying in IE (due to poor regex support) in CVS.

                • 5. Re: selectDate not popping up on click


                  "c_eric_ray" wrote:
                  I'm using firefox and it doesn't work.

                  Seam 1.2.1, JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA

                  I'm not sure why it doesn't work in your environment, are there any JS errors? From memory there were a few fixes made since 1.2.1, so I recommend trying 2.0.0 or latest CVS.