0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 25, 2007 4:00 AM by batora

    In attribute requires non-null value error



      Environment: Seam 2.0 Beta1, JBoss 4.2.0.GA, JBoss IDE 2.0.Beta2

      - 1) xhtml page with form containing the fields of an entity and button that calls 2) method of session bean A that calls 3) method of session bean B that use persistence manager to store entity into the DB
      - The entity is injected into the bean A with @In annotation

      Outcome: The application is deployed and stores the instance successfully when I test it in the browser. However, when I run test within Eclipse (testng test or ant task) it fails with: In attribute requires non-null value

      Does anyone knows what could be the problem? It seams that in the wrong case the session context is empty but why is that?
