8 Replies Latest reply on Dec 21, 2009 2:51 AM by gamba

    Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse



      I looked at the videos for using bridge 2.0.0.BETA (with RichFaces 3.3.2.SR1 and Jboss Portal 2.7.2). I don't use seam.

      I want to send an event in a backing bean. But my response object is not of type StateAwareResponse. Instead it is from type


      Here is the whole code-snippet. It is an ajaxified method:

      public String startScanProzess()
       Object response = this.getExternalContext().getResponse();
       System.out.println("Class = " +response.getClass().getName());
       if (response instanceof StateAwareResponse)
       String scannerStarted = "true";
       StateAwareResponse stateResponse = (StateAwareResponse) response;
       stateResponse.setEvent("urn:hmg:event", scannerStarted);
       return null;

      Have I to use an own portlet-class? I thought, this is the part the bridge could help ...

      Did I miss something?

      BTW: How do I receive the event in another backing bean. The EventHandler only puts the value into the queue


        • 1. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

          First, you can only set a portlet event on an ActionResponse or EventResponse. The BufferedResourceResponseWrapper gives you a ResourceResponse since this is an ajax request. So, you cannot set an event here.

          You will need to change your commandLink or button from being ajaxified to a regular form submit.

          • 2. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

            Ok. When I don't use my own portlet-class and use h:command button the class to set the event on is a JBossActionResponse-Object.

            Is ajax-response supported in further versions of the bridge? In my case I want to start a scan process and after that the documents should be rendered in another portlet. The process is wrapped by a process bar and runs in an own thread. Thought it could be done by ajax...

            Nevertheless, now I'm able to set the event on JBossActionResponse ... but handleEvent in my own BridgeEventHandle is never called ...
            I set it as init-param in the sending portlet-config-section ...
            and I don't know can I receive the event in another managed bean?


            • 3. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

              I have to add some information. Target is the same as above. Scan-Process is started in Portlet A, with a h:commandButton => progressBar is enabled and a server-thread is started in Portlet A for scanning.

              After scanning is complete I want to update Portlet B with the scanned files. Following problems occurs for me, when using different technics to achieve this (a4:poll, a4j:push, portlet-events, jsr-168 portlet-application-scope-params, application-scoped-bean):

              - With polling I'm able start the polling because starting scanning is an actionResponse. But stopping polling could not be handled. I can not get the facesContext when the server threads ends so I cannot set another application-scope-param (e.g. "false" for scanning). In addition I cannot set a property in my managed-bean, only in application-scope, because session or request-scoped-beans are not reached from portlet B.

              - With pushing technic I get an error, that I'm not able to use the HEAD-method in my requests, when sending an new event

              So, I don't know how to solve this problem ... maybe one way is to refrefh my portlets on my own. Is it possible to send an render-response after completing ajax-polling or is it generally possible to do that from my own code?

              I'm not able to find a suitable solution so far ....

              Any help would be appreciated,

              • 4. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse
                Can you post your entire portlet.xml?
                • 5. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

                  I'm not able to post my code or something which I copied from portlet.xml ....


                  ERROR:  Sie können keine leere Nachricht posten. Geben Sie Ihre Nachricht ein und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.

                  • 6. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

                    Sure ... could you please have o look at my newest post in this thread. What  possibilities do I have?

                    My last workaround, when it would not possible to send params during  ajax-request with portlet 2.0, is using

                    an standard POJO out of jsf-lifecycle. It has to store per user some  variables or documents ... but I'm not very

                    delighted about that approach ...


                    ok, here is my portlet.xml for sending portlet events or  public-render-params:



                    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


                    <portlet-app  xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_2_0.xsd"



                        <!-- Portlet A -->

                                <!--  portlet-mode>HELP</portlet-mode-->
                               <qname  xmlns:hmg="urn:hmg:event:scanningEvent">hmg:ScanningEvent</qname>
                        <!-- Portlet B  -->
                               <qname  xmlns:hmg="urn:hmg:event:scanningEvent">hmg:ScanningEvent</qname>


                        <!-- Portlet-Filter definieren -->
                             <filter-name>JBoss Portlet Filter</filter-name>
                        <filter-name>JBoss Portlet  Filter</filter-name>






                    BTW: How to use code-tags, with code-tags it is not possible for me to save the post ... because an error occurs that the post would be empty???

                    • 7. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse

                      Gamba wrote:

                      Nevertheless, now I'm able to set the event on JBossActionResponse ... but handleEvent in my own BridgeEventHandle is never called ...
                      I set it as init-param in the sending portlet-config-section ...
                      and I don't know can I receive the event in another managed bean?

                      You need to define an event definition in your portlet.xml like:

                            <qname xmlns:jbp="urn:jboss:portal:samples:event">jbp:BookingEvent</qname>


                      And what are you using as your payload in your event?


                      To answer your other problem with the ajax call and creating some kind of event, I am not quite sure. Can you post the code that is closest to working?


                      btw, to paste code use the "Syntax Highlighting" option in the editor menu.

                      • 8. Re: Response not of type StateAwareRepsonse
                        Sorry, forgot this part in portlet.xml



                            <qname xmlns:hmg="urn:hmg:event:scanningEvent">hmg:ScanningEvent</qname>