0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 24, 2007 4:32 PM by jwooten

    VERY SIMPLE - but fails


      Used jems to install new JBoss app server as ejb3 after uninstalling old one.
      Downloaded new jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA
      1) did seam setup with hsql and tested that i could do new-project, tweak
      css and template and so forth in project seam-step1.
      2) Attempted to do seam new-entity for entity User. no errors,
      but when do http://localhost:8080/seam-step1/userList.seam it gives
      /userList.xhtml @21,65 rendered="#{empty userList.resultList}": Exception getting value of property resultList of base of type : com.shoulderscorp.entities.UserList_$$_javassist_6

      3) Created new setup 'seam-step3' for mysql and existing database test_maintenance
      which has simple tables Person, User, Role, User_Person_Assn, User_Role_Assn ( but no foreign keys in anything yet ).

      4) did seam new project pointing to my mysql connector, etc.
      5) did seam explode to check that basic app deployed and worked.
      6) did seam generate-entities and got no errors.
      7) Then did seam restart and http://localhost:8080/seam-step3/
      8) Got new screen with list of Home, Person, User, Role, ... across top.
      9) Verified that login worked and home buttons.
      10) clicked on User link at top. get page with search and create.
      11) since I had populated the User table with one row I typed in the name of that user and hit search. No error, no result.
      12) I then tried create and it blew with:
      Exception during request processing: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Exception while invoking expression #{userHome.wire}

      Note: i'm just trying to do what the book says is straight forward.

      It is advertised as even better than Ruby on Rails, but I can do this there very easily and it works. What is happening here? I want to be able to maintain some simple tables ( add users, roles, etc. ) , but then will be using ejbs for some other parts of an application along with workflow.