3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 18, 2008 9:18 AM by mars1412

    access URL parameters directly

      I have a servlet, that will, in cas of an error, redirect to a custom errorpage.
      the errormessage is URL encoded and appended to the custom error page URL: e.g. http://domain.my/myproject/customerror.seam?err=Some+error

      what would be the easiest was to just display the URL parameter in the custom errorpage?

      now I have created a staless session bean and I use the @RequestParameter annotation
      in the page, I simply access this SLB:


      creating a SLB (including local interface) just to display a URL parameter seems quite a lot of work...

      using javascript is not an option, since the app should also work when js is disabled.
      could I maybe use a trick in the pages.xml file?

      any better ideas?