7 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2008 12:33 PM by alllle

    What are the aslias defined for the built in seam components


      I did lots of search but not able to find the answer.

      In chapter 28 of the reference doc, quote "Note also that even though all the built in components use a qualified name, most of them are aliased to unqualified names by default.". I checked the jboss-seam.jar/META-INF/components.xml file and its contents looks like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <components xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/components"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com/products/seam/components http://jboss.com/products/seam/components-2.0.xsd">

      And I could not find any components.xml files under above mentioned packages.

      So I've got two questions:

      1. I could not find any documentation on how this tag is used. What does it mean?

      2. Where are the list of built in components are defined? Specifically, their alias names?

      The ref document mentioned most of the built in components, but it didn't list them all.

        • 1. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

          This probably needs better documentation, but when you ask for a "foo" component, Seam first looks for "foo" and then it looks for "foo" in any imported namespaces. Note that components can have @Import declarations, and I believe that we have an open issue for imports in a *.page.xml file too. (Not sure if that is in now or not)

          Seam does not use the factory tag internally anymore.

          I've opened http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2563 so we can get the docs updated.

          • 2. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

            Thank you for the quick reply.

            So if I understand you right, with an import statement like
            in the seam.jar components.xml file, when I use #{contexts}, seam will:

            1. try to find the "contexts" component in all the available contexts
            2. if failed, seam will try to find the "org.jboss.seam.core.contexts" component instead
            3. if failed again, seam will try to find the "org.jboss.seam.transaction.contexts" component
            4. repeat step 3 till seam finds a matching component or all imports are tried

            If true, this wouldn't be very efficient, would it?

            • 3. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

              Yes, that's pretty much what it does. Yes, it's not exactly efficient, but I'm not sure I know another way to do it that preserves correctness.

              • 4. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

                Thanks for the clarification, really appreciate it.

                I don't have the required insight knowledge in order to provide a good solution. One suggestion I have would be: it seems that the components need to registered with seam first in order to be used. Theoretically, a map from the component's names to the component can be built for fast look up whenever a component is referenced. I do think this worth given the extra care as component references are everywhere in a Seam application.

                • 5. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

                  In general it is sensible to analyze the bottlenecks and performance blackspots rather than spend hours rewriting bits of code which may in fact be very performant compared to others.

                  It sounds like you are interested in this - perhaps you could contribute a better solution (that preserves correctness as Norman says).

                  We are doing some performance/scalability analysis currently.

                  • 6. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

                    I haven't benchmarked this, but the lookups are basically a series of hashtable lookups, which makes it a pretty speedy thing altogether.

                    On the issue of creating a name index for components, the problem I see is that the underlying contexts are very dynamic. The meaning of "foo" could easily change out from underneath us. (if there weren't the potential for conflict, we wouldn't need namespaces in the first place) I can't see any way that the required indexing (even if it were possible for all contexts) wouldn't be a much more expensive operation.

                    I think the best solution is that if performance is a concern, always use the fully qualified name or create aliases. In the core seam code we always use the fully qualified name. Failing that, @Import and your own custom factory values could be used to optimize lookups for anything you observe to be a performance problem. So far, of all the inefficient things Seam is doing, this is fairly low down the list of things that are likely to have an impact on overall performance.

                    That being said, we love to see profiling results on real applications. We are 100% committed to making sure Seam isn't slowing your application down.

                    • 7. Re: What are the aslias defined for the built in seam compon

                      Well said. I agree that if it's just a series of hash table lookup, it is unlikely to surface as a performance problem. I also agree on the concern with indexing, given the dynamic nature of the seam contexts.

                      Toward the end of my current project, I might need to do some profiling and will post it here if I am able to identify any bottleneck.

                      Sometimes, the performance might be from the other libraries used in a seam app. Such as one I experienced when a page takes > 8 seconds to load with a selection that has 800 items in it, it's from the JSF implementation rather than seam.