0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 30, 2006 1:46 PM by genman

    Microcontainer and JMX meta-data


      I know I can expose a series of POJOs as MBeans using the Microcontainer. But, I wonder how is it possible to include some of the same information from my xmbean.xml files?

      For example, I'd like to be able to annotate all my methods and attributes with descriptions. I haven't seen POJO decription annotations in the SVN codebase. (Really, Sun should have added standard annotations for things like MBean descriptions etc...)

      I would also like to indicate persistence policy. I want to be able to plug-in some sort of mechanism that populates a POJO's attributes from disk or a database.

      To be honest, from what I've seen of some of the .xml files, and I almost rather use a legacy -service.xml as they are easier to follow...