7 Replies Latest reply on Jan 11, 2007 3:22 PM by captainchaos

    Image gallery portlet


      This question is regarding the image gallery portlet.

      Is there a way to get this portlet to work with portal version 2.4 GA?

      When I try to load the portlet in this portal I get the follwing error:

      15:33:53,031 INFO [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: file:/C:/jboss4.04/server/fishmas/deploy/portal-imagegallery.ear
      ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployment: file:/C:/jboss4.04/server/fishmas/tmp/deploy/tmp24585portal-imagegallery.ear-contents/portal-imagegallery.sar
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.portal.core.hibernate.SessionFactoryBinder; - nested throwable: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.portal.core.hibernate.SessionFactoryBinder)

      Is there perhaps a way to make this class available so this portlet might run?

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Image gallery portlet

          Currently, it is not working with JBoss Portal 2.4. We are currently improving the portlet right now. After that is done, we will get it working with portal 2.4.

          • 2. Re: Image gallery portlet

            Thanks for you reply, I'm looking forward to seeing the new improved version.

            You wouldn't happen to have an idea on roughly how long it will be until the portlet is available for portal 2.4, would you? The reason I would like to know is that I am working on a portal project using portal 2.4 and I need to know if this portlet will be available in time for me to use it. If not, I will have to develop something myself in order to keep the project rolling. Even a very rough idea would be helpful, weeks, months, etc.


            • 3. Re: Image gallery portlet

              I would guess that it would take about a month.

              • 4. Re: Image gallery portlet

                Sounds good, thanks.

                • 5. Re: Image gallery portlet

                  Any updates?

                  • 6. Re: Image gallery portlet

                    We have experienced delays. Sorry about the delays that this might have caused you. The image gallery portlet is working for us except for a few bugs.

                    • 7. Re: Image gallery portlet

                      I am testing jboss-portal-2.6.0-DR1 and tried to run the image gallery portlet. Unfortunatelly the deployment had errors.
                      Is this portlet suppose to work with portal 2.6?