1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 5, 2007 1:46 PM by julien1

    Contact portlet


      My boss has directed me to write a few portlets. He wants to provide white pages to our portal users; query and update functions against ldap. I've been looking for an opportunity to contribute to the public community. I downloaded the address book portlet and I've skimmed the LGPL. I have been unable to contact Chris Mills at JBoss so maybe someone here can help me. Questions:

      1. Is there a roadmap for this portlet?
      2. Should I build on top of the Contact portlet and release it as LGPL? Or should I start from scratch?
      3. If I extend the Contact portlet, do I resubmit the final version to the JBoss Portal Swap under my name and Chris Mills?

      I really appreciate any help as I attempt my first open source project. Cheers!


        • 1. Re: Contact portlet


          I am the project lead of portal and I can tell you that if you modify the code and distribute it, you should contribute back the changes to us.

          If you do so, I think we should put the contact portlet in the jboss portal SVN in our samples module as it is relatively small (a bigger portlet would have a separate project like blogs or forums).