1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 1, 2005 6:17 AM by aron.gombas

    Kosmos Cruise Control Integration


      Hi Aron
      I tried to integrate CruiseControl with Kosmos? I have installed it in my Windows machine (Same machine that has Kosmos). I think I just need to change the bold values in with Local Path?


      monitored.dirs<!-- replace these with your local
      paths -->





      But can you please tell me Local path to what? (This is first time I
      am using Cruise Control; So don?t have much idea actually) I tried the
      following but that didn?t work


        • 1. Re: Kosmos Cruise Control Integration

          You have to list the local paths of the dirs(!) where the cruisecontrol build logs get generated. You separate them by ','.

          A typical local path:

          Warning! These are dirs, not files!
          (Kosmos will look for the latest logfile in the given dir and process that.)
