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1. Re: Continuum support
aron.gombas Mar 1, 2006 1:24 AM (in response to dlafont)"dlafont" wrote:
A Continuum portlet would be great, since more and more are switching from CC to continuum (me included :-) )
Thanks for the idea, Denis.
It is actually already in my notes, but could you now add this to our JIRA database as request? -
2. Re: Continuum support
aron.gombas Mar 3, 2006 2:15 AM (in response to dlafont)I've added this item to our JIRA.
3. Re: Continuum support
shareme May 13, 2006 2:27 PM (in response to dlafont)That is good news that there is a request for this feature
Some will choose Continuum over CruiseCotnrol due to the Maven2 support.. -
4. Re: Continuum support
aron.gombas May 15, 2006 5:44 AM (in response to dlafont)Hey,
This project is community-driven, so if you feel this is an important feature requested, plz go ahead and vote for it in our JIRA! (Just like for any other item there.)