15. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
sstuart4 Jul 25, 2006 4:49 PM (in response to sstuart4)I forgot, I was going to send my ehcache.xml in the previous post. Here it is:
<ehcache> <diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir"/> <!-- durations need to set longer than the "repeatInterval" property of the "serviceResultUpdateTrigger" bean --> <defaultCache name="hu.midori.kosmos.server.defaultCache" maxElementsInMemory="1024" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="14400" timeToLiveSeconds="14400" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="true"/> <cache name="hu.midori.kosmos.server.cache" maxElementsInMemory="1024" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="14400" timeToLiveSeconds="14400" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="true"/> </ehcache>
16. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
aron.gombas Jul 26, 2006 9:55 AM (in response to sstuart4)Hmmm, interesting.
Could you make a quick try with ehcache-1.2.1? As far as I can judge it based on their release note, there were bugs related disk persistence fixed.
(You just need to replace the JAR in the kosmos-server.war/WEB-INF/lib dir. Then launch the container, force the webapp to load the SVN repo info by opening the portlet, the shot the container and then launch the container, again.)
If you report that it was successful, I will update the trunk code. Thx a lot for your contribution. -
17. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
sstuart4 Jul 26, 2006 2:38 PM (in response to sstuart4)Im afraid the problem still exists...
I replaced ehcache-1.2 with ehcache-1.2.1 as suggested. I gathered the information from my log and put it together below:[Initial server startup...] 2006-07-26 11:28:46,981 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.3SP1 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_3_SP1 date=200510231054)] Started in 2m:20s:322ms 2006-07-26 11:28:47,741 DEBUG [org.quartz.simpl.SimpleJobFactory] Producing instance of Job 'DEFAULT.serviceResultUpdaterJob', class=hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob 2006-07-26 11:28:47,742 DEBUG [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Calling execute on job DEFAULT.serviceResultUpdaterJob 2006-07-26 11:28:47,751 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob] Running scheduled update job... 2006-07-26 11:28:47,752 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob] Update job completed. [Accessing the SVN Monitoring Portlet... 1st time.] 2006-07-26 11:31:58,738 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:31:58 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView INFO: Viewing... 2006-07-26 11:31:58,777 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:31:58 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView 2006-07-26 11:31:58,996 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.MethodResultCacheInterceptor] Accessing cache "hu.midori.kosmos.server.cache" [0 items]... 2006-07-26 11:31:58,996 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.MethodResultCacheInterceptor] Cache-miss: reloading "hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl.getRepositories.http://myserver.net/repos/project/tags/Kosmos-test"... 2006-07-26 11:31:58,997 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl] Returning repositories... 2006-07-26 11:31:58,997 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.AbstractKosmosService] Beginning store session.... [Repo traveral takes place... on a small dummy repository I set up.] 2006-07-26 11:32:17,197 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl] Adding repository "http://myserver.net/repos/project/tags/Kosmos-test rev.3778"... 2006-07-26 11:32:17,197 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.AbstractKosmosService] Ending store session... 2006-07-26 11:32:17,205 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.MethodResultCacheInterceptor] "hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl.getRepositories.http://myserver.net/repos/project/tags/Kosmos-test" saved to cache [Accessing the SVN Monitoring Portlet... 2nd time.] 2006-07-26 11:32:17,324 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:32:17 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView INFO: SVN repositories downloaded: 1 2006-07-26 11:32:17,327 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.AbstractKosmosService] Service invoked: returning timestamp... 2006-07-26 11:32:17,332 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:32:17 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView INFO: SVN timestamp: Wed Jul 26 11:31:58 CDT 2006 [Server gets restarted...] 2006-07-26 11:36:03,359 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.3SP1 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_3_SP1 date=200510231054)] Started in 2m:22s:176ms 2006-07-26 11:36:05,797 DEBUG [org.quartz.simpl.SimpleJobFactory] Producing instance of Job 'DEFAULT.serviceResultUpdaterJob', class=hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob 2006-07-26 11:36:05,798 DEBUG [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Calling execute on job DEFAULT.serviceResultUpdaterJob 2006-07-26 11:36:05,806 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob] Running scheduled update job... 2006-07-26 11:36:05,808 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.ServiceResultUpdaterJob] Update job completed. [Accessing the SVN Monitoring Portlet... 3rd time.] 2006-07-26 11:36:21,811 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:36:21 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView INFO: Viewing... 2006-07-26 11:36:21,848 INFO [STDOUT] Jul 26, 2006 11:36:21 AM hu.midori.kosmos.portlet.svn.SvnMonitoringPortlet doView INFO: repoUrl parameter received: null 2006-07-26 11:36:22,080 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.MethodResultCacheInterceptor] Accessing cache "hu.midori.kosmos.server.cache" [0 items]... 2006-07-26 11:36:22,081 INFO [hu.midori.kosmos.server.MethodResultCacheInterceptor] Cache-miss: reloading "hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl.getRepositories.http://myserver.net/repos/project/tags/Kosmos-test"... 2006-07-26 11:36:22,081 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl] Returning repositories... 2006-07-26 11:36:22,081 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.AbstractKosmosService] Beginning store session.... [Repo traveral takes place again...] 2006-07-26 11:36:46,322 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.svn.SvnServiceImpl] Adding repository "http://myserver.net/repos/project/tags/Kosmos-test rev.3778"... 2006-07-26 11:36:46,322 DEBUG [hu.midori.kosmos.server.AbstractKosmosService] Ending store session...
In short, these are the steps I took:
1) Replaced the ehcache w/ the new release in kosmos-server's WEB-INF/lib.
2) Started the server.
3) Accessed the SvnMonitoringPortlet which loaded the cache.
4) Accessed the SvnMonitoringPortlet again to verify the cached data.
5) Restarted the server.
6) Accessed the SvnMonitoringPortlet a third time which revealed the cache was empty again. -
18. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
aron.gombas Jul 27, 2006 7:11 AM (in response to sstuart4)Wow, your testing was perfect! Thanks for this.
To localize whether the problem is (whether at saving or loading time), could you check the following:
please set the<diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir"/>
in ehcache.xml to another folder and check if the filesize of the cache files is not zero? -
19. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
sstuart4 Jul 27, 2006 1:13 PM (in response to sstuart4)Ok, I changed the path to /root/kosmos-cache-test and 2 files were created:
hu.midori.kosmos.server.cache.data hu.midori.kosmos.server.cache.index
Both of these files have zero size also. -
20. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
sstuart4 Jul 27, 2006 3:17 PM (in response to sstuart4)I did notice that once I shutdown the server the .index file gets populated. It also gets wiped out on server startup. I found this to be correct behavior in the ehcache documentation. However, I still see 0 items in the cache when I hit the portlet.
21. Re: serviceResultUpdaterJob not traversing repository
aron.gombas Jul 28, 2006 10:20 AM (in response to sstuart4)Hmm, that's odd.
I've added this to our JIRA: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/KOSMOS-37
If you have some time, please go ahead and debug it, because my time is very limited at the moment.
Anyway, you helped to the community a lot with your testing, thank you very much.