0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2009 1:50 AM by makarandk502

    jbpm 4.1 - Taskform ( Task Variable )

      Can anybody guide me in this ?

      I have attached following taskform ftl to some task in simple process
      start - task - end

      After running this process through jbpm console, I found that Task Variable 'interests' is set as single value even after selecting multiple values from form.
      e.g If I select Arts, Politics , Task Variable should have value as "Arts, Politics" but in this case, value is taken as Politics.

      My requirement is that I have a form with multiselect options. If I select more than a value, task variable should have both values. This can be accessed later on in java logic using array.

       <form action="${form.action}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
       <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME="interests" SIZE="4">
       <OPTION > Arts
       <OPTION > Politics
       <OPTION > Science
       <OPTION > Computers and Internet
       <input type="submit" name="Done"/>