1 2 Previous Next 24 Replies Latest reply on Jul 1, 2008 5:07 AM by tom.baeyens Go to original post
      • 15. Re: PVM EL


        Thanks! I'll take a look at the HEAD, this is something I really could use.

        • 16. Re: PVM EL


          "kukeltje" wrote:
          - setting timers dynamically based on processvariables
          - choosing a specific subprocess runtime instead of designtime (e.g. with one main process and many different subprocesses per customer)

          There was a lot of request for them, specifically the first one.

          I had to mention these since I implemented and documented them, including unit tests ;-)

          Hi Ronald,

          ritght, those use cases are indeed important (and also reported by our users in Bonita :-)

          Miguel Valdes

          • 17. Re: PVM EL


            "mvaldes" wrote:
            "kukeltje" wrote:
            - setting timers dynamically based on processvariables
            - choosing a specific subprocess runtime instead of designtime

            those use cases are indeed important (and also reported by our users in Bonita :-)

            So does this mean that you'll be contributing those features ? That would be great.

            • 18. Re: PVM EL

              Again......... they are already in jpdl 3.x... and easily migratable to the pvm

              • 19. Re: PVM EL

                agreed. but someone has got to do it. see what can be reused, migrate, set up test,...

                i was hoping that miguel's post was more then just a plug :-)

                • 20. Re: PVM EL


                  Sure, we can easily add variables support on timers but I would like to wait until the pvm refactor is finished (as there are some modifications on timers regarding activities intances...)

                  On the subprocess flag, we could also take a look at that. Currently we have added support for subprocesses at XPDL extension level so i'm not sure whether this can be added at PVM level... is there native support for subprocesses at PVM level ?

                  Miguel Valdes

                  • 21. Re: PVM EL


                    Sure, we can easily add variables support on timers but I would like to wait until the pvm refactor is finished (as there are some modifications on timers regarding activities intances...)

                    On the subprocess flag, we could also take a look at that. Currently we have added support for subprocesses at XPDL extension level so i'm not sure whether this can be added at PVM level... is there native support for subprocesses at PVM level ?

                    Miguel Valdes

                    • 22. Re: PVM EL

                      by end of this week, timers, activity instances should be stable

                      i'll try to add native support for sub processes by that time as well

                      • 23. Re: PVM EL

                        ok, now I know what you mean...

                        I've gone though the wsbpel docs, just out of curiosity, and came across some examples of wait-for, wait-until, conditions on several other items and other stuff

                        The format is :

                        for just a variable, but things like
                        $timesheetEntriesApproval and $timesheetExpensesApproval
                        $iterations > 3

                        but also things like

                        or statics like

                        but also
                        bpel:getVariableProperty( "InvoiceStatusResponse","inv:status")
                        < 9


                        reading even a little more (more then I would have liked to know, I come across:

                        <for expressionLanguage="anyURI"?>duration-expr</for> |
                        <until expressionLanguage="anyURI"?>deadline-expr</until> )?
                        <repeatEvery expressionLanguage="anyURI"?>

                        with some additional info:

                        expressionLanguage. This attribute specifies the expression language used in the process. The default value for this attribute is:
                        "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0", which represents the usage of
                        XPath 1.0 within WS-BPEL 2.0. The URI of the corresponding XPath 1.0
                        specification is: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116.


                        The value of the queryLanguage and expressionLanguage attributes on the
                        process element are global defaults and can be overridden on
                        specific activities like assign using the mechanisms defined later in
                        this specification. In addition the queryLanguage attribute is also
                        available for use in defining BPEL property aliases in WSDL. BPEL processors
                        - statically determine which languages are referenced by queryLanguage or expressionLanguage attributes either in the BPEL process definition itself or in any BPEL property definitions in associated WSDLs and
                        - if any referenced language is unsupported by the BPEL processor then the processor MUST NOT process the submitted BPEL process definition.

                        So I guess it's very clear on one hand and complicated on the other which at least makes clear that it has to be configurable

                        • 24. Re: PVM EL


                          So I guess it's very clear on one hand and complicated on the other which at least makes clear that it has to be configurable


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