1. Re:
jhalliday Jul 4, 2008 10:00 AM (in response to mreasy)The configuration mechanism is specified in the documentation, but roughly speaking the dir containing the jbossjta-properties.xml file needs to be on the classpath. In JBossAS it is by default, since the server conf dir is part of the classpath:
14:52:18,736 DEBUG [Server] Boot url list: [file:/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/conf/]
14:52:18,736 DEBUG [Server] Creating loader for URL: file:/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/conf/
If you mess around with the server configuration, you need to ensure the properties file can still be found on the classpath. -
2. Re:
mreasy Jul 4, 2008 10:07 AM (in response to mreasy)Thanks for your answer, but sadly this is not the problem; my conf-directory (containing jbossjta-properties.xml) is located in the classpath:
Boot url list: [file:D:/test/BIS6-3-3/jboss/myConf/conf/] Creating loader for URL: file:D:/test/BIS6-3-3/jboss/myConf/conf/
3. Re:
jinx May 14, 2013 11:42 AM (in response to mreasy)Hum , this is a little bit late but .. if anyone have the same issue ...
Find myself with the same (almost) problem , and find that JTA doesn't load the conf/jbossjta-properties.xml file if the conf directory url doesn't start with a slash ..
URL file:D:/test/BIS6-3-3/jboss/myconf/conf doesn't work
URL file:/D:/test/BIS6-3-3/jboss/myconf/conf work !!!
The trouble is that only jta make problem .. all other service depending on the conf directory work the same as usual with the correct or wrong url .
Hope this can help