1 2 3 4 Previous Next 47 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2008 10:04 AM by beve Go to original post
      • 30. Re: Webservice integration questions


        "beve" wrote:
        The "this is test message" could be specified like
        <message>this is a test message</message>
        and that works for me.

        Thanks for instant replies. I am giving this is test message
        The browser (html) just rendered the "this is test message".

        Yes I am woring with webservice_producer. I need to extract request from the soap request.
        Please let me know if your findings on the same.
        Appreciate your help.

        • 31. Re: Webservice integration questions

          So, using the xslt-namespaces tutorial, if you replace input-message.xml with this:

          <env:Envelope xmlns:env='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
           <ns2:sayGoodbyeResponse xmlns:ns2="http://webservice_producer/goodbyeworld">
           <return>... Ah Goodbye then!!!! - Goodbye!!</return>

          And use a stylesheet like this:
          <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
           <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
           <xsl:template match="/">
           <xsl:value-of select="env:Envelope/env:Body/ns2:sayGoodbyeResponse/return"/>

          I get the following output:
          <return-message xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
           xmlns:ns2="http://webservice_producer/goodbyeworld">... Ah Goodbye then!!!! - Goodbye!!

          Could you try that and see if it works for you?



          • 32. Re: Webservice integration questions

            No :( not working.
            This doesnt work with webservice_producer example. I havent check this explicitly with standalone smooks transformer.

            I am getting following Warning

            13:30:53,794 WARN [ServiceInvoker] Badly formed EPR [EPR: PortReference < <wsa:Address http://loca
            ducerService] and Message [header: [ ]].Courier for EPR not supported!
            13:30:53,794 INFO [ServiceInvoker] Invalid EPR for service: ignoring for message: header: [ ]
            13:30:53,794 INFO [ServiceInvoker] Invalid EPR for service: ignoring for message: header: [ ]


            • 33. Re: Webservice integration questions

              Ah, sorry Vikas. I have been testing this with the smooks xslt-namespaces tutorial.

              I'll try the webservice_producer quickstart and see what's happening there.


              • 34. Re: Webservice integration questions

                Hm, don't exactly know what's wrong here, but it seems to be an issue with the socket protocol with JBR. If I comment out the the following in build.xml:

                <target name="runtest" depends="compile" description="run tests over jms, http, and socket">
                 <antcall target="saygoodbye_over_jms" />
                 <antcall target="saygoodbye_over_http" />
                 <!--antcall target="saygoodbye_over_socket" /-->

                I don't get the warning about badly formed EPR. Just thought I'd post this in case you are not using the socket protocol and might be able to move forward with out this.

                I'll log a Jira for this tomorrow if I can't find out what's wrong before that.


                • 35. Re: Webservice integration questions

                  Please disregard my last post.
                  I've tried this again with the other protocols and they also display this warning...but not everytime which was what through me off.


                  • 36. Re: Webservice integration questions

                    Well in my case after commenting socket protocol, i am not getting any warn message.

                    Still the soap message is not processed as expected by smooks.
                    Is it working at your end?

                    Don't know what is going wrong here?


                    • 37. Re: Webservice integration questions

                      Hi Daniel,

                      I tested the my smooks config file as suggested by you. It works fine with standalone smooks transformet but still not working with webservice_producer.

                      I noticed that with standalone smooks sample, when i included xsl as file. It didnt gave expected results. I didnt spent to figure out the reason for this and used the CDATA to place my xsl.

                      I am wondering why its not working with webservice_producer?
                      Did you got time to try this at your end. I need to explore(evaluate) other features of Jbossesb to finalize the technology stack but i am stuck to this since last 2 days.

                      Thanks for your cooperation.

                      • 38. Re: Webservice integration questions

                        Hi Vikas,

                        When we run the xslt-namespace tutorial we are using a newer version of Smook.
                        We had to update our ESB with newer version of Smooks to sort out the namespaces issue we had. I had forgotten about this :(

                        I'll update my local jbossesb-server and see if it works and post back here.


                        • 39. Re: Webservice integration questions

                          Yep, updating Smooks did the trick. Sorry about not remembering this sooner...I'm getting senil :)

                          I can zip my smooks.esb archive for you and send it to you? That would save you from having to copy all the different jars from Smooks.


                          • 40. Re: Webservice integration questions

                            Cool! Its fine:)
                            Thanks for getting it done. Do i need to provide my email addrees so that you can email me the smooks esb archive?

                            Can i send my official email address on your personal Email-id. Let me know.

                            Appreciate your help. Thanks to all.

                            • 41. Re: Webservice integration questions

                              Sure, that will be great. Send me an email and I'll reply and attach the jar archive.


                              • 42. Re: Webservice integration questions

                                Great, can you please check your gmail account. Thanks/Vikas

                                • 43. Re: Webservice integration questions

                                  Hi Vikas,

                                  did you get my email? I sent it yesterday and thought you should have got it by now.


                                  • 44. Re: Webservice integration questions

                                    Hi Daniel, I haven't got your email. :(, might have got blocked.
                                    can you please resend it again. Zips are blocked so please rename it.

                                    I need this urgently today, pls email on vikas.mane at wachovia.com

                                    Really appreciate your help. Thanks/Vikas