1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 23, 2009 6:43 PM by nbelaevski

    richfaces: how to manipulate renderRequest in portlet enviro


      I'm new to richfaces and xhtml usage. I use richfaces in a portlet deployed on JBoss portal.
      My question is then probably recurent:
      How do i manipulate renderRequest to use the createActionUrl method if i'm running richfaces in a portlet - using xhtml file extension for richfaces pages ?

      I'm not able to access facesContext object in a xhtml file. Should i do this in a managedBean ? Could you provide me some samples, useful examples ?

      Thanks in advance for your time... and for your help !!!

        • 1. Re: richfaces: how to manipulate renderRequest in portlet en


          You can use this method: org.ajax4jsf.context.AjaxContext#getAjaxActionURL(FacesContext).You have to encode parameters returned by call to org.ajax4jsf.context.AjaxContext#getCommonAjaxParameters() if you are not using this method: org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils#buildEventOptions(FacesContext, UIComponent, Map<String, Object>).