3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 8, 2009 9:03 PM by cfaile

    Instantiating ServiceInvoker instance returns null

      Any help on this would be great! I've search through other posts and found some things that are close (and tried) without success.

      I am running JBossESB 4.2.1 inside JBossAS 4.2.

      I am attempting to create a ServiceInvoker instance to send messages to a JMS gateway. I have verified that my ESB gateway & listener exist within the HSQLDB (I created an esb file and deployed to the server... I could see it in the database after deployment.) However, with the server running every time I try to instantiate the ServiceInvoker I get null pointer.

      I downloaded the JBossESB 4.2.1 source and debugged using Eclipse. The error occurs at:

      org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.services.registry.JAXRRegistryImpl.findService(line 480)

      It's due to the connection being null...

      Could this is a configuration issue since the error occurs when the ConnectionFactory.newInstance method is called inside the JAXRRegistryImpl getConnection method.

      Any help/pointers would be most appreciated... I've fought this for a week. I was going to propose this as a solution for one of our projects and was going to convert the HSQLDB usage over to MySQL as a proof of concept (ultimately would migrate to Oracle). But I need to get over this hurdle first.

      I've looked at all documentation... have tried both RMITransport and LocalTransport numerous times with numerous configurations. I would really like to use this if possible. Note - I can make things work if I get a connection directly from a client program that wants to pump messages to the gateway... But things fail when that client tries to instantiate the ServiceInvoker...



        • 1. Re: Instantiating ServiceInvoker instance returns null

          Hi Cody,

          just wanted to check with you that you have the correct classpath setup. If you take a look at the section "Configuration for a remote ServiceInvoker
          " in the ProgrammersGuide.pdf you'll notice this:

          The following configuration file is also required to be available on the classpath:

          I am attempting to create a ServiceInvoker instance to send messages to a JMS gateway.

          You would not need to use the ServiceInvoker to send a message to a JMS gateway. You can use the JMSRouter for that. The ServiceInvoker is used to send messages to other ESB services.



          • 2. Re: Instantiating ServiceInvoker instance returns null


            Thank you for that reply. I believe you have confirmed the suspicion I was developing over the week-end. I will check this out tomorrow. I was aware of the jboss-properties.xml file. It all seemed so straight-forward that I couldn't imagine why nothing was this would not work. So, is it fair to say that the ServiceInvoker should only be used to pass messages around once inside the ESB environment?

            I'll did into this again tomorrow. That's once again for the reply.



            • 3. Re: Instantiating ServiceInvoker instance returns null


              Thank you for that reply. I believe you have confirmed the suspicion I was developing over the week-end. I will check this out tomorrow. I was aware of the jboss-properties.xml file. It all seemed so straight-forward that I couldn't imagine why nothing was this would not work. So, is it fair to say that the ServiceInvoker should only be used to pass messages around once inside the ESB environment?

              I'll did into this again tomorrow. That's once again for the reply.

