3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2007 3:28 PM by vralev

    JBINSTALL-67 clustering - a top level option


      So, can we use the InstallationGroupPanel for Standalone/Clustered selection in the enterprise platform? And if not why?

        • 1. Re: JBINSTALL-67 clustering - a top level option

          What I understand is that we need to redesign the flow of Installer where we ask user to first select Standalone/Clustered installation and then show InstallationGroup panel with option like JBoss AS, Portal, EJB, Tomcat and JMS.

          However this means that we need to give up on minimal configuration.

          • 2. Re: JBINSTALL-67 clustering - a top level option

            Yes Amit is right. We probably want to have a separate panel for Standalone/Clustered install.

            • 3. Re: JBINSTALL-67 clustering - a top level option

              I though we are not going to have JBoss AS, Portal, EJB, Tomcat and JMS in the enterprise editions? And each product will have its own installer with a strict set of modules without optinal support for ejb3 or something else which would require adding a separate group.
              The 1st web edition roughly corresponds to tomcat I think.
              There is a portal edition and the others a a bit more custom.