1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 20, 2006 8:26 AM by kconner

    AxisHeaderContextHandler cannot be found


      Hi, according to the web service transactions programmers guide, I need to register a context handler with the Axis engine. the handlers are com.arjuna.mw.client.AxisHeaderContextHandler or com.arjuna.mw.service.AxisHeaderContextHandler.

      however, the package doesn't have these two classes at all. what they have are: GlueIncomingContextInterceptor, GlueOutgoingContextInterceptor and JaxRPCHeaderContextProcessor. where can I find these two classes for axis? thanks.

        • 1. Re: AxisHeaderContextHandler cannot be found

          Apologies but this documentation is out of date.

          We replaced the axis handlers with the JaxRPC ones, which I believe are also supported by Axis.

          It will be straight forward to create the Axis equivalent of these handlers if the JaxRPC ones do not work.
