0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 21, 2009 4:03 AM by thomas.diesler

    Initial support for Bundle-NativeCode


      Initial support for navtive code is provided by the OSGiBundleNativeCodeDeployer




      This works such that the deployer adds the library mapping to the OSGiClassLoaderPolicy


            // Add the native library mapping to the OSGiClassLoaderPolicy
            OSGiClassLoaderPolicy policy = unit.getAttachment(ClassLoaderPolicy.class);
            policy.addLibraryMapping(libname, nativeFileCopy);


      Which is then used by the OSGiBundleClassLoader


      public class OSGiBundleClassLoader extends BaseClassLoader
         protected String findLibrary(String libname)
            String libraryPath = null;
            if (osgiPolicy != null)
               libraryPath = osgiPolicy.findLibrary(libname);
            if (libraryPath == null)
               libraryPath = super.findLibrary(libname);
            return libraryPath;


      This solution currently relies on OSGiClassLoaderSystem that needs to create the OSGiBundleClassLoader


      public class OSGiClassLoaderSystem extends ClassLoaderSystem
         protected BaseClassLoader createClassLoader(ClassLoaderPolicy policy)
            return new OSGiBundleClassLoader(policy);


      A better solution would be to support the notion of native library mapping in ClassLoadingMetaData, ClassLoaderPolicy and BaseClassLoader directly.


      Here is the CL issue: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBCL-136