1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Apr 28, 2011 5:28 AM by jiajiefeng Go to original post
      • 15. Re: libAIO warning

        libaio does not need to be in /usr/lib - this is something loaded by the kernel not by your application


        How did you install libaio?


        What do you get when you type (as root):


        yum install libaio



        • 16. Re: libAIO warning

          I didn't install it myself - this was done by our support team. I guess that they used yum. Should I move these shared objects from that folder to another one? I am running the application logged in as root.


          I tried to run the command line you recommended but that machine doesn't have internet access right now so it failed.

          • 17. Re: libAIO warning

            libaio.so is under /usr/lib per your yum.



            But you copied libHornetQAIO32.so  libHornetQAIO64.so on /usr/lib



            As I said a few times already.. just base your script on the run.sh as distributed on the zip. You already told me it runs fine. Why do you need to reinvent the weel?



            Maybe you have a .so from a previous version on the /usr/lib ? The .so needs to match the hornetQ Version. (That's why you can't actually place libHornetQAIO*.so under /usr/lib)

            • 18. Re: libAIO warning

              Actually, I couldn't run yum but yes, it's located on /usr/lib. I did copy the hornetQ specific files to the same folder.


              The problem is that I am pointing the java environment variable to this folder and still it doesn't work. I am not creating an app from the scratch, so it's kind of unrealist to throw its initializatoin script away just because I've added a new library to it.


              I've tried to move the hornet libraries (libHornet*.so)  to the application's folder but still no luck.

              • 19. Re: libAIO warning

                You said in a previous post that you could run as distributed in your zip. Just use that run.sh instead of creating a new one.


                In your own language now.. since I've said this a few times already:


                " Voce disse em um post anterior que voce conseguiu carregar o .so utilizando o run.sh como distribuido. Use aquele run.sh ao invez de criar um novo."



                Your are doing some mess there in your environment, that is impossible for us to figure out. You will need to debug what you're doing wrong. The fact that it worked as distributed it means you are messing up with something. just base your files in our distro and you will be ok"



                "Voce esta fazendo alguma bagunca em seu ambiente. E iimpossivel para nos descobrir a distancia. Voce precisa fazer o seu proprio debug. O fact de tudo funcionar ok na distribuicao significa que voce esta realizando algum procedimento nao padrao. Apenas copie os arquivos da distribuicao e voce nao tera problemas".




                BTW: English is the official language here. Consider this just an exception. (I've just placed the translation)

                • 20. Re: libAIO warning

                  You need copy Hornet native libraries to bin/native directory of jboss instalation (HornetQ script, which integrates hornet into jboss distribuition do it).

                  • 21. Re: libAIO warning

                    It is due to Permission   : 


                    If you use hornetq in jboss AS 6 has a WARN message:

                    WARNING: AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal


                      check your jboss_home/native dir

                    [Jeffrey@fedora bin]$ pwd


                    [Jeffrey@fedora bin]$ ll

                    drw-rw-rw-. 4 Jeffrey Jeffrey  4096 Dec 28 08:36 native


                    the native ddirectory must has "x" Permission


                    [Jeffrey@fedora bin]$ chmod u+x native


                    [Jeffrey@fedora bin]$ chmod u+x native/lib


                    [Jeffrey@fedora bin]$ chmod u+x native/lib64


                    good luck

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