4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2010 7:30 AM by abhishek_n

    Single rich:toolTip for multiple components [question]



      Can I use a single rich:toolTip for mutiple rich:columns.


      Consider this case, a table has 200 students as rows and their marks in 15 subjects [columns].

      student name is the first column. remaining columns are subjects.


      If I point my mouse on some cell in the middle I want to show Student name and Subject for the cell.

      Attaching a rich:toolTip to wach column is easy. But I want to know whether this kind of code is possible


      <rich:column onmouseover="callJavaScriptToShowToolTip('studentObject.name','studentObject.Subject')">




      function callJavaScriptToShowToolTip(name,subject){

            set rich tooltip value





        • 1. Re: Single rich:toolTip for multiple components [question]
          <script type="text/javascript">
                    function showTT(event, text){
               <rich:toolTip id="shared_tooltip" attached="false">
                    <h:outputText id="shtt"/>
          <rich:dataTable value="#{toolTipData.vehicles}" width="400"
                         var="vehicle" rowKeyVar="row" onRowClick="showTT(event, '#{vehicle.make}')">


          that works for me. unfortunatelly tooltip not supports dynamical substitutions like drag indicator or calendar. Thats why you have to insert content on your own to tooltip shared instance.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Single rich:toolTip for multiple components [question]

            Not working.

            funtion call to JS is going.

            This line is getting executed.


            But in the next line,

                       show(event,{}); is not getting executed.


            In the generated html, the 2nd line is generated as


            If I add javascript alert

                          alert( document.getElementById('shared_tooltip').component) is giving object Object in alert box

            but,         alert( document.getElementById('shared_tooltip').component.show(event,{}); is not giving any alert.


            I am using Firefox browser.

            • 3. Re: Single rich:toolTip for multiple components [question]
              Check if there are any JS errors.
              • 4. Re: Single rich:toolTip for multiple components [question]

                yes. getting JS error Object required.